Ncauses of smoking pdf

Smoking, secondhand smoke, and ecigarette vapor can all aggravate a persons asthma symptoms. Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, lung disease, emphysema, impotence, asthma and a wide variety of other diseases. This research aims to identify the causes of smoking among users of this tobacco substance and the solutions for its control. Almost three out of four regular smokers in high school have already tried and failed to quit, the acs says. Smoking is harmful to the human body, and it affects the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, and pancreas. To determine the factors contributing to the initiation and propagation of smoking in visitors to a major tertiary health center in karachi, pakistan. Smoking at a young age can set up a person for smoking related illnesses, such as heart disease and lung problems, earlier in life. The causes and effects of smoking essay 1028 words. Pdf effect of cigarette smoking on human health and promising. The causes and effects of smoking among students essay cram. Learn more about the link between asthma and smoking here. Smoking is an unhealthy behavior that can become an addiction. I think far too much emphasis is being placed on the whole nicotine addiction thing. Our database lists the following as having smoking as a symptom of that condition.

Smoking and the risk of stroke for more information isit. In the united states about 500,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking related diseases and a recent study estimated that as much as of chinas male population will have significantly shortened lifespans due to smoking. Smoking is an addiction and one of the most preventable causes of premature death in the u. There are some other methods in which the substance of tobacco is burned and the smoke is inhaled. Pdf the extent of influence of factors on cigarette. Smoking also cause other cancers, including mouth cancer, kidney cancer, esophagus cancer, throat cancer and pancreas cancer. Pdf smoking is one of the major lifestyle factors influencing the health of human beings. Cigarette smoking is the major focus of this chapter because it is the central public health problem, but the topics of secondhand smoke exposure, smoking of other combustible tobacco products, smokeless tobacco, and electronic nicotine delivery systems ends are also considered. Smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the united states, according to the american heart association. Here is a sample cause and effect essay on smoking that discusses why people smoke causes and what happens as a result of smoking effects. All of these factors make smoking a hard habit to break. The smoker may link smoking with social activities and many other activities, too. Tobacco is a risk factor for 6 of the 8 leading causes of death. Causes and effects of smoking leasha fann english 101 mrs.

A crosssectional study article pdf available may 20 with 60,784 reads how we measure reads. Smoking even just one cigarette per day over a lifetime can cause smoking related cancers and premature death. Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of health problems. The causes and effects of smoking among students smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threatens lives of a huge number of people worldwide. Smoking includes all forms of smoking, such as cigar smoking, cigarette smoking, pipe smoking, and exposure to secondhand smoke. Writing an outline for a cause and effect essay on smoking. It starts as a way of having fun, but ends as an addiction that is therefore so difficult to give up. Smoking causes blood vessels to be inflamed and blood clots to form. Tucker 2232015 causes and effects of smoking smoking is a practice through cigarettes, which are the most common method of smoking. Those diseases lead to death andor bad health, thus smoking is a bad habit. The scope of the burden of disease and death that cigarette smoking imposes on the publics health is extensive. While smokers defend their habit as healthy for themselves and that they will fall sick if they are forced to quit, it is universally accepted that smoking is death trap even for nonsmokers. Cause and effect of smoking essay example graduateway. This report of the surgeon general on how tobacco smoke causes disease includes the.

Smoking quit smoking effects of smoking medlineplus. The role of smoking as a contributory factor in the progression of the periodontal disease process has long. Cigarette smoking is the largest preventable risk factor for morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Cigarette smoke components and disease national cancer institute. Cigarette smoking causes serious disease and is addictive.

Seven major contributing factors to the initiation and propagation of smoking were presented to. In a year, the industry produces six trillion cigarettes that are consumed by one billion smokers worldwide eriksen et al, 2015a. Increased mucus production right after quitting smoking is a positive sign that your respiratory system is recovering. In fact, it may be harder to quit smoking than to stop using cocaine or opiates like heroin. Cigar smoking2 and pipe smoking are almost as likely to cause lung cancer as cigarette smoking. It reduces tension and it is also believed that it. Tobaccos immediate effects on the body 3 lungs into the blood stream and are circulated throughout the body. The hazards of smoking have always been a topic of innumerable debates. The following medical news items are relevant to causes of. An irreversible narrowing of blood vessels can lead to buergers disease, a condition in which blood flow is eventually cut off from extremities, much like gangrene, and leads to amputation of toes and fingers.

Nonsmokers produce approximately 1cm of bone in 2 months while it takes a smoker 3 months to make the same amount of bone. The mechanism by which cigarette tobacco smoke causes adverse health outcomes involves multiple complex steps resulting from the. Smoking is the single biggest cause of preventable illness and avoidable death in the world. Smoking harms nearly every bodily organ and organ system in the body and diminishes a persons overall health. Although there are a variety of cigarette brands available on the market with different features e. Union eu, 15% of allcause deaths are attributed to smoking, amounting to 655,000 smokingrelated deaths each year,6 while in greece, the percentage of deaths from any smokingassociated cause, among individuals ages 35 and older, has been estimated to be 18. Dramatic changes in the prevalence of cigarette smoking in the second half of this century in the united states i.

The first cause of smoking which is nicotine is an addictive and harmful substance contained in cigarettes. Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death globally and is the cause of 15% of all deaths. A report of the surgeon general how tobacco smoke causes. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the uk. Withdrawal from tobacco products can cause temporary congestion and respiratory discomfort as your lungs and airways begin to heal. Health effects of smoking cigarette smoking causes serious.

We hear about it on television, radio and in print. Conditions listing smoking as a symptom may also be potential underlying causes of smoking. Nicotine in cigarette causes addiction as same as heroin and. The effects of tobacco use on health public health. People smoke cigarettes when they are depressed, lonely, or bored, and they help them to reduce the stress. The extent of influence of factors on cigarette smoking among teenagers in baguio city. Causes of smoking and its solutions mazidi sharafabadi v. It is suggested that smoking makes discs more susceptible to disease by affecting. The causes of smoking and the solutions to control it in tehran. These substances damage the blood vessel walls, which allow plaques to form at a faster rate than they would in a nonsmoker. That would buy a family vacation or down payment on a car. Smoking can lead to serious complications including asthma, pancreas, lung and stomach cancer due to the large number of carcinogens cancer causing. Smoking is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and heartrelated chest pain.

It can also cause agerelated macular degeneration amd. Cause and effect on smoking cigarettes essay 868 words. Diseases and conditions related to smoking public health law. If you would like to write a high quality paper, ideas from this research paper will give you the much needed inspiration. Smoking affects the health of your teeth and gums and can cause tooth loss.

Amd is damage to a small spot near the center of the retina. Smoking menthol cigarettes might increase the risk even more since the menthol allows smokers to. Just about everyone knows someone who has died from a smoking related disease. The younger people are when they begin to smoke, the more likely they will become adult smokers. How tobacco smoke causes disease centers for disease control. The causes and effects of smoking scientists and health officials have been arguing the detrimental effects smoking has on our health for many years. Smoking symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and causes. Cause and effect of smoking essayswe learn and are taught about the dangers of smoking as young children. Children whose parents smoke are more prone to coughing, wheezing. Smoking causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, and rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia. When a cigarette is lit, the tobacco burns and creates smoke.

Smoking cigarettes exposes the smoker to over 4,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic. See nhs smokefree in other sources of help and information for contact details. Im not a doctor but i was a chain smoker for many years. The main cause of smoking is nicotine which is an addictive and harmful substance contained in cigarette. Smoking causes more than 1,000 deaths due to perinatal conditions annually. Harms of cigarette smoking and health benefits of quitting. Smoking causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, and rectum, as well as. The 1964 surgeon generals report, which concluded that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer and other diseases, dramatically and permanently reshaped. Smoking lowtar or light cigarettes increases lung cancer risk as much as regular cigarettes. To relax another cause for smoking proffered by the participants was to achieve relaxation. The causes of smoking and the solutions to control it in. Cigarette smoking causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, oral cavity, bladder, and pancreas in male and female smokers.

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